Runner and Gating Design Handbook

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SFr. 269,95
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    Runner and Gating Design Handbook

    The first book to shed light on the critical role the melt delivery system plays in successful injection molding has received a major update in its 3rd edition. This successful book will give you an immediate leg up by reducing mold commissioning times, increasing productivity, improving customer satisfaction, and achieving quality goals such as Six Sigma. How do you determine the optimum design of your runners and gates; what type of runner system (hot or cold variations) do you use for a specific application; how do you identify molding problems generated by the gate and runner vs. those stemming from other molding issues; what should you consider when selecting a gating location? The "Runner and Gate Design Handbook" will give you the means to get to the bottom of these issues as well as provide specific guidelines for process optimization and troubleshooting. Highlights among the numerous new updates include coverage and analyses of critical shear induced melt variations that are developed in the runners of all injection molds, expanded content on hot runners, and a new subchapter on injection molding process development.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Hanser Fachbuchverlag
    ISBN / EAN
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