Sesamum Crop Production

Auf Lager.
SFr. 73,00
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Sesamum Crop Production

    Sesamum indicum L. (Syn. Sesamum orientale L.), which is known variously as sesamum, til, gingelly, simsim, gergelim etc. is one of the most important oilseed crop grown extensively in India. Sesamum is the oldest indigenous oil plant with longest history of its cultivation in India. Many factors influence the crop production. Among the agronomic factors known to augment crop yield, fertilizers plays an important role topping the list. Among them, potash and sulphur play important role to maximize the yield potential in monetary terms. The potassium is one of the major plant nutrients for the growth and development of plants.
  • Zusatzinformation

    LAP Lambert Academic Publishing
    ISBN / EAN
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