Impacts Of Coal Mines On Air,Water and Soil

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SFr. 55,00
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Impacts Of Coal Mines On Air,Water and Soil

    In the recent years human impacts leading to large scale degradation of the environment have aroused global concern on environmental issue. There is a growing awareness of environmental pollution, but the problem of abatement and control remains unsolved. This is due to a lack of knowledge in monitoring methodology and control measures in our teaching programs. An attempt is made in this book to fill up this gap.The fundamental concepts of environmental studies have been introduced and analysed in a simple manner. In this book the contents of the book will be of interest to all environmental engineers, planners, chemist and policymakers. Adequate references are provided in each chapter and also in bibliography.
  • Zusatzinformation

    Scholar's Press
    ISBN / EAN
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