Modelling the Complexities & Capacities of Refining in M/East & Africa

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SFr. 74,00
  • Produktbeschreibung

    Modelling the Complexities & Capacities of Refining in M/East & Africa

    This book presnts the dynamics of refining technology in the context of capacities, complexities and challenges with particular emphasis on Middle East and Africa regions. The method of evaluation involved the survey on refineries capacities and complexities, existing and projected refineries projects and how these are matching products supply/demand profiles, existing and future products specifications. Data obtained were analyzed using matrix and statistical function methodology. The period covered in this study is up to 2015 and projection can be made to beyond 2015; the areas covered for both regions: include the capacities and projects, refineries complexity, evaluation on existing refineries, opportunities for improvement and prospective future refining technology. This study has focused directly on Middle East and Africa to preview and determine the trend in growth, and attempt to model, analyze and match refinery complexity with capacities. The prospects for growth in refining complexities and capacities in Middle East and Africa are apparent. Concept can be applied with appropriate assumptions to predict refineries complexities and capacities in the region beyond 2015.
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    Scholar's Press
    ISBN / EAN
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