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Kopfgeometrie für schlaue Füchse, m. 1 CD-ROM, m. 1 Beilage

SFr. 147,95
Kopfgeometrie - unverzichtbar für die Entwicklung des räumlichen Vorstellungsvermögens. Aus konkreten Handlungen werden sichere Vorstellungen im Kopf. Unterstützen Sie diesen Prozess in Ihren Lerngruppen effektiv, abwechslungsreich und mit viel Spaß. Diese Lernwerkstatt bietet zusätzlich praxiserprobte Ideen zur nachhaltigen Förderung kopfgeometrischer Fähigkeiten durch 5-Minuten-Übungen.
The Nominal Domain in Georgian

SFr. 149,95
The present book analyzes the nominal domain in the Georgian language in its diachronic development. In Georgian, the noun phrase went through crucial changes over the centuries on various levels -- morphological, morpho-syntactic, syntactic, semantic, and typological. The peculiarities of its structures are discussed and illustrated across all developmental stages of the Georgian language: Old, Middle and Modern Georgian. As its empirical basis, the study builds upon statistical accounts of corpus materials yielding insight into the structure of the Georgian language and its changes over time. In addition to the empirically-based analyses, several theories are reviewed (e.g., the issues of Middle Georgian being a developmental stage of the language in its own right or of Georgian being a DP-language) in order to contribute to determining the linguistic position of Georgian and to pave the way for further typological research.<br>

SFr. 145,95
A detailed study of contemporary artist and jewellery creator, Dickson Yewn, renowned as the designer worn by the likes of Michelle Obama.
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